Re-Locate Kivalina

Artist initiative to support relocation

The isolated whaling community of Kivalina, home to around 400 people, is facing imminent relocation and the need for viable futures is urgent. For a host of reasons, previous relocation efforts in Kivalina are stalled, leaving the community looking for alternatives. ReLocate is a group of social artists from around the world working with a group of delegates from Kivalina to initiate a new, community-led and culturally specific relocation.

Spot Theme

images and text from

Main Idea

Using social arts methods and online media, ReLocate is building artistic and web-based platforms that intend to make the social, political, and environmental issues related to relocation visible to global audiences; support community discussion and consensus building; locate, connect and educate new relocation partners; create spaces where people in Kivalina can share original media and ideas about local identities and ways of life; and develop an infrastructure for managing global support and pursuing relocation planning opportunities.

Spot Theme

map by Tiger Burch


This page is an open virtual brainstorming to gather ideas towards Ariha's future.

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